Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Frisbee partay

Here's some pictures from the frisbee party taken with the new phone camera. Pretty bad quality in the low light environment, but at least I don't have to carry another brick with me.

Kristen is probably the only person who hates being photographed more than I do. The ceiling at the "Dark Horse" is adorned with carriages, sleds, road signs, stuffed buffaloes !??, and other crap that makes it very surreal (or should I say kitsch?).

Jason is not very happy with the bright light on my camera either.

Everybody danced hippie-style, that is throwing various limbs in the air at random intervals, regardless of the beat of the song played at the time.

New phone

So I finally gave in and bought a new phone with a real plan. My "pay as you go" didn't cut it anymore. I couldn't help getting a gadget, of course, since most of them are free after rebates anyway. I got the Sony Ericsson W810i. It comes with an iPod-like mp3 player and after a 4Gb flash card update it serves that purpose very well.

I've got the basic monthly Cingular plan, which I think is a little overpriced. In numbers that is:
  • 450 min / month
  • 5000 min nights (after 9pm) and weekends
  • free roaming, long distance, blah blah
  • free Cingular to Cingular
  • 10c a text message and 1c/Kb for internet browsing
    TOTAL = $39.99 / month plus fees and taxes

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Disco vibes and Rasta-Man vibrations.

My red devil.

You can run, but you can't hide ...

Have you ever seriously asked yourself how racist, misogynistic or homophobic you are? Do you think there might be some incongruence between what you think about yourself and your subconscious beliefs?

Here's a test to answer all those questions: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/
It's brilliantly designed so as more aware you are of your bias and try to correct for it, the more biased you end up being.

I took a few of the tests and here's what I got:
  • slight bias towards African Americans vs. European Americans
  • slight bias towards men in science vs. women in science
  • automatic (strong) bias towards gay couples vs. straight couples
  • moderate bias towards Judaism vs. other religions
  • automatic bias for other nationalities/religions vs. Arab/Muslim
No references will be made here about someone's roommate's biases ...

Friday, October 27, 2006


Great way to start with LateX for newbs like me.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Morning commute

Even the vertical Flatirons have a thin layer of white powder on them.

Red, white, blue, and the necessary "axis mundi"

The buses are always full when the weather worsens.Posted by Picasa

first snow

I bet these poor flowers didn't get the weather forecast on time.

Sedona and Kristen. I didn't know that Australian shepherds love snow so much.

Chinese killing Tibetans in "self-defense"

The footage was shot by a Romanian journalist on a mountaneering expedition in the Himalayas.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New blogging friends

Jason and Sarah have lost their blogging virginity. Thanks for making me feel less dorky.

Romanian soccer

It's been a while since I've posted here. A lot of things have happened since, but today's momentous event is that the Romanian soccer team Steaua Bucuresti is playing the infamous Real Madrid in the UEFA Champions League. Real Madrid is Beckham, Ronaldo, Canavarro, Raul, Roberto Carlos, Van Nistelrooy, etc... The game is shown by ESPN Deportes and I am going to take an extended lunch break to see it at the Lazy Dog down on Pearl Street at 12:30. This is the first soccer game involving a Romanian team I've watched in a few years.

There is already a rumor on the "internets" that Steaua's owner signed a deal to sell one of the Romanian players to Real Madrid in exchange for the Romanian team losing both of the games. It sounds very ... Romanian already.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The first time I had to stop and dig out the camera from my pack. ROYGBIV Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 28, 2006

New webpage

I am back in this game. I updated my ancient webpage. I used googlepages and it literally took me an hour to get it where it is now.

P.S. Poison ivy takes a long time to heal. Long time = more than a month. Very annoying.

Monday, June 05, 2006


I seem to have abandoned this blog. There's so much to do for fun in the summer in Boulder and I don't have enough time to do it. I don't know when I'll feel like blabbing again on here, but until then check out my new photo page:


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

what do you eat?

One of the best NPR stories this year. I am so proud that my grandparents live such a simple and meaningful life. How many people can claim to know somebody that lives happily in total harmony with nature, instead of destroying it?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


After a heated debate with my roommate about happiness and science - don't ask me how they're connected - I found this on NPR. "Positive psychology" is the most popular course at Harvard, but it sounds more like a Dr. Phil show, rather than a Ivy League class. I didn't make my mind about it yet. Should I be dissapointed or excited about this? Sometimes I feel like simplification is a great idea, but other times I want to be hardcore and change the world.

Friday, March 17, 2006


free music + artificial intelligence + awesome website design = pandora kicks ass

This is the best project I've seen in a while. Thanks to my students who pointed it out. You start by choosing one song and then give pandora pointers based on what you like or don't like and it will play music in accordance to your preferences. After a couple of days of feedback it actually started to play only music that I liked. Pretty amazing. In the same category with www.20q.net

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Monday, March 13, 2006

What American City Are You?

I thought the test was pretty weak, but then out popped Austin, one of my favorite cities. So much music there... Sighhhhh. via another Dragos

You Are Austin

A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll.
You're totally weird and very proud of it.
Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way.

Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick

Dragos and Zeb make it in South Park

Not really, but we designed each other as South Park characters.

Here's me in my roommate's vision. I have baggy eyes, I like beer, and I am pretty much a self-infatuated dork.

And here's Zeb. He always sleeps in class with a frown on his face. Although he is agnostic, he acts unnecesarily angelic all the time.

And while I am at it this is my brother Vlad. He is very anti-establishment so it makes sense that he is always roughed up by this fight with the world.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Chuck. Norris.

Another Dragos reminds us of some basic laws of the universe. These are the first concrete results to come out of string theory. Here's more.

  • Chuck Norris can divide by zero.
  • It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
  • Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
  • Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.
  • Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

pack o' meat

Romania has finally made it in the American news. For those who don't know "Wait wait don't tell me!" is a funny weekend NPR show that reviews the week's main news. This weekend an unusual soccer transfer at UTA Arad made it in the show. Go here and click on the "Bluff the listener" podcast. It's so sad that it's funny. Go on and laugh. Once again, Romania holds on to its reputation. I can't wait for similar cheese and wine stories. Yummm....

Sunday, March 05, 2006


The latest Romanian news is that the ex prime minister is charged with bribery. He owns this $2 million apartment, filled with expensive art worth another $4-5 mil, all from his meager $30,000 a year. The prosecutors are trying to search his house but becuase he is a senator they have to get the warrant approved by the senate speaker, according to Romanian constitution. Now guess who is the senate speaker? Yep, the same ex-prime minister, Mr. Adrian Nastase. Isn't that convenient!

At the same time in the U.S. a congressman was sentenced to 8 years in prison for corruption. He aparently received gifts amounting $2.4 million, which is literally nothing for somebody relatively affluent in the States. These are some gifts Cunningham received.

-- A Rolls-Royce
-- Yacht-shopping trip: $15,000
-- Two rugs: $40,000 each
-- French lampshade: $3,500
-- China hutch: $24,000
-- Hall tree: $3,700
-- Statue: $12,000
-- Moving expenses: $11,393
-- 42-foot yacht: $140,000
-- 3 shooting simulators: $13,800

If all this was worth 8 years I hope we'll get to see how much Nastase's Tizian, Rafael or Frans Francken are worth.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Dig! is a documentary about two bands. "Dandy Warhols" and "Brian Jonestown Massacre" are two modern rock bands that have an unbelievale 60's sound. They are friends, enemies, and competitors. Anton, the leader of BJM is considered a music genius, one of the most talented artists of all times. (In the film he is compared with Lennon, McCartney and Bob Dylan) He has a big problem though: he is so entiestablishment that he can't get his act together to become succesful. He starts beating up his bandmates for messing up a note, he can't work with anybody and doesn't give a damn about anybody else. He just lives for his music. He knows how to play over 100 instruments, composes and plays like a music God but can't get anybody to sign a record deal with him.

The other band, "The Dandy Warhols", who's leader is actually narrating the film, decide to get their act together, shake hands with the record industry devil and become semisuccesful. Not in America, becuase they can't listen to a video director ass clown or photo shoot Hollywood douche either. "Dandy Warhols" become big in Europe where they mesmerize the crowds with electrifying performances.

Although there is no climax or resolution in the documentary, I liked to see the inside view of this evil machinery the record industry has become. It's sad that the whole business is 90% marketing. It's like the mailman gets the credit for all the good letters, or the typist for writing a good novel. It doesn't matter that you are the most talented musician in the world. If you don't whore yourself to the producers standards, you're out. Everything is driven by ratings and sales, so if you're a genius out of your time you are doomed to oblivion.

By the way, since I've heard them about 2 years ago, Dandy Warhols have been one of my favorite bands. Does anybody else know who they are though?

Thursday, February 23, 2006


This was two weeks ago. I think I was coming from the store and was probably just zoning out. There goes my lunch for 10 days. It's a bummer! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

one saturday

My blog-denying roommate Zeb, our new fishtank, and the coolest $10 clock evah.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Inches away from my garden level window. If I want to procrastinate all I have to do is look outside.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Sunday grading

This is what Sundays look like.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Aussie vs. American

I found this article very interesting. Some people might not find it PC because it's pretty much a broad generalization, but I like it. My favorite part is about how children are raised. That's absolutely true about Europe too. Kids play outside all the time, all by themselves, and don't have to report to their parents every second. There is some sort of trust that develops and then you don't have kids that either mature or party themselves to destruction when they get to college.

The right to bear arms...

You won't believe this shit . Check out some pure clean family fun for these Oklahoma rednecks. You'll get a chance to see a five year old GIRL firing a machine gun and people blowing shit up left and right. This is America, the land of the free and home of the brave.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

squirrel fishing

I found this on my ex-roommates facebook. Sounds like fun.

Interior design - Romanian style

I don't know how I stumbled upon this, but it looks decent. Mom, where are you, are you reading this?


Monday, February 13, 2006

Humping all the way...

This is what my Christmas present looked like. What would I do without friends? I was wondering at what Christmas store do you go and ask for "humping theme" wrapping paper, but then I found out they got it at a store in Fayetteville called Condom Sense. It all made perfect sense then. Get it?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Romania in pictures

The Peace Corps Volunteers in Romania present a very accurate tour of Romania. The pictures are breathtaking and cover all the important areas of the Romanian life. This is the first website that made me say: yeah, that's exactly how Romania is . Deffinitely worth clicking on: HERE .

P.S. It works better in Internet Explorer for some reason. Mozilla gives a funny white background.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

the easy way out?

Some Iranian newspaper is going to hold a cartoon contest similar to the one the danish newspaper had a month ago. Not surprisingly, their theme will be the Holocaust. In some sort of retribution, they are trying to piss off the Jews, but I don't believe their tactic will work very well. What they don't understand is that the western society doesn't officially value Jesus, Mohammed, Shiva, or pride. Instead, we value liberty and freedom and speech. I say that Matt and Trey should make a whole episode where they make fun of God, Holocaust, and Kyle and send it in for the contest. Maybe this would be the solution for the cartoon crisis, eh?

Windows, faster, now

I found this website and I managed to reduce the startup time of my tired laptop from a whopping 305 seconds to 210. Isn't that something to write home about? It's indeed a 33% decrease but my lappie still sucks.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bear Peak photos

Yesterday I went hiking with Zeb. We did Bear Peak here in Boulder which turned out to be more fun than I expected. I finally managed to take some pictures so I posted them on my new flickr accout:


Thursday, February 02, 2006

How to make PDF's for free

I finally found a sweet program that will make PDF files from scans or any other file format for free: Pdf995

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bible meets Real World

Last night I went to the International Film Series and saw The Real Old Testament. The director and producer is a former CU student and the whole thing reminded me of how South Park started. He's going to treat more subjects with the same Real World idea: Lewis and Clark, Trojan Wars, The New Testament. Apparently God has also a video blog at www. realgodvlog.com . At the end fo the film God himself made an appearance in the Muenzinger auditorium and we had the chance to ask him a lot of funny questions. Although the movie itself has only my B, I have to admit that the whole idea has incredible potential.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

My delicious links

Last year I signed up for the del.icio.us link aggregator website and this is what I have gathered so far.

Fear of Girls

No comment.


Friday, January 27, 2006

The Detroit Project

Arianna Online has on her first page three ads for "The Detroit Project", which is a campaign about reducing the fuel consumption of the average american car. I know so many smart conscious people that say: "Well, I am used to driving sitting up high and I like to be safe. I will always drive an SUV". That logic works until somebody is driving a bigger car, and then you have to upgrade yourself. And that's the way we end up consuming a ridiculous percent of world's oil reserve. There, I feel like such a Boulderite now!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Excellent live music online

The Boulder non-clearchannel radio station is quite excellent. KBCO has such a great reputation that every artist that comes to play in Boulder stops by their studio and plays live for the whole town. KBCO records the live shows and makes a CD that comes out every year around Christmas. Lines are formed early in the morning at the few local electronics stores supported by KBCO and the thousands of CD's are sold within minutes. Recently KBCO created a new online radio station, KBCO2 The Studio C Channel, that plays non-stop all the KBCO live performances. If you ask me it's the best online radio I've listened to. Sometimes I love this community driven town so much!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Home sweet home

I missed Boulder a lot. Looking at these Flatirons every morning when going to school does something to you. Which reminds me: school started, teaching continues and homework and craziness will soon take control. Such is life.

Hey, fishy fishy ...

We use our new fishtank as a TV set. Is far more relaxing.

Friday, January 20, 2006

gypsy beats

"The Balkan Beat Box" is the name of a jewish band that combines hard-rock, and techno with eastern european traditional music. I found out about them via a recent NPR story. They are so energetic and catchy that they might have a chance here in the US.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

We, the Romanian people ...

While I was home for the holidays I met Gabby a Peace Corps Volunteer in my town, Piatra Neamt. We talked a lot about Romania and the way we feel about solving the problems the country faces. Recently she asked me to write a short piece about my image of Romania after five years of living in the States. In case anybody else is interested, this is what came out. Again, thanks Gabby for doing what you're doing. I know not very many Romanians see the importance of you being there, but I hope you will be able to open many minds.

Making fun of yourself is an important survival skill, and the main reason why Romanians have been around for thousands of years. One of my favorite jokes about Romania goes like this: In the third day of Genesis God created Earth and went around distributing the natural wealth and riches. At the end of the day Hungary and Bulgaria came up to God and said with an angry voice: “God, you are so unfair. Why did you give so much wealth to Romania? They have oil, natural gas, three feet deep of the blackest soil, beautiful beaches, tall mountains, and hills filled with gold. We don’t even have a tenth of the stuff that they do. Why God, why?” With his well known fatherly grave voice God replied: “My dear sons Hungary and Bulgaria, just wait until you see the Romanian people”.

Although I am a Romanian, I love this joke and I never felt offended by it. It is a paradox that all the Romanians criticize their own country and people. “Romanians are this”, “Romanians are that”, but nobody really mentions that they are themselves Romanian. And, if I may be excused for my honesty, this is the exact kind of hypocrisy I will use in this letter.

When I think about the joke I obviously realize that there must be something bad about these “Romanian people”. The first thing that comes to mind is: they must be stupid. They must have an average intelligence below that of their fellow neighbors. They are probably intellectually incapable of managing all those natural riches that God gave them for free. But when I think a little bit more I understand that stupidity can’t be the real reason. I was born, raised and educated in Romania and my family, friends, and teachers were some of the smartest people I’ve known in my life. Each year Romanian high school students top the charts at math, physics and chemistry international Olympiads. From personal experience I know that Romanian researchers and professors are well respected in the US academia. In my recent visit home I met with some of my old friends from high school and I was impressed with their knowledge of American geography and politics: “So, it’s going to be Condi vs. Hillary in 3 years. That’s something, huh?” or “So you’re in Colorado now. That’s actually a few degrees latitude lower than Romania, isn’t it? And a little more deserty, no?” It is clear now. Romanians are definitely not stupid, but rather smarter than other people in the world.

If they’re not dumb, then maybe they’re lazy. They don’t like to work and hence can’t use all those beautiful things God gave them. They probably just loaf around all day, doing the minimum to get by and not caring about being rich or poor. Some might partially agree with this, but I found out when I was in Romania for the holidays that this reason doesn’t stand either. Recently there has been an exodus of Romanians to Spain, Italy and France in search for jobs. They are going there to pick strawberries, tend for retired people and build roads and houses for a minimum wage. These are all hard jobs and you can’t be lazy to do them. Even the Americans agree with me. The coordinator of a work exchange program that takes skilled Eastern European teenagers to work in restaurants, camps and nursing homes in the US recently declared that the most sought after workforce are the Romanians. The American employers find the Romanians industrious, responsible and motivated. Ok, ok, I get it. Romanians are not lazy, they’re actually harder workers than the other eastern Europeans, according to these accounts.

I could go on like this for pages. Every negative attribute that I can think of is immediately neutralized by a strong counterexample. The Romanian wine makers are just at passionate and careful as the French, the cheese makers just as skilled and traditional as the Swiss, the writers, poets, and journalists just as witty and funny as Bill Maher, and the politicians as wicked and conniving as Carl Rove. However, the joke stands true like a prophecy. Romania has one of the lowest standards of living in Europe and the Romanians are officially the unhappiest people in the world. How is this possible? After living five years in the States I can bet that if one would transplant all the Romanian people in America, the vast majority of them would integrate quickly and become soon examples of the American dream. The solution is now very clear: we should move all the Romanians in the US and bring back 22 million of Americans. All the Romanian resources will be put to good use and America will benefit from all the wonderful qualities of the Romanian people.

On a more serious note, I think that two are the main reasons why this joke is unfortunately true. First reason is an acute lack of organization and planning. The leadership is lacking accountability and is generally incompetent. Romania is like a salt solution. The individual ions are very potent, charged, and reactive. But in solution, the positive and negative ions rearrange spontaneously so that the overall result is a neutral boring Saline nasal spray. I find it therefore essential to have people like the Peace Corps Volunteers to come in and bring a sense of organization to Romania.

The other reason is the existence of this joke itself. Many times I am confronted by my friends: “Don’t you have anything positive to say about Romania?” The truth is I tend to be such a Debbie Downer about my motherland not because there are not enough positive things to say about it, but because I am myself deep inside a negative Romanian. A tiny bit of self esteem and a more positive look on life would go a long way for us Romanians. That’s why I encourage any American in Romania to do what they know best: smile. One day it might rub off.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Madalina is my super cool cousin and she has a super cool website: www.madalinaseghete.com .

Romeo, oh Romeo ...

Breaking news!! Juliet has a new partner after last year's tragedy when an uneducated coyote, a brute, had Romeo for supper. The new lover will soon be baptised, so I have to come up with a kewl name. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 09, 2006


I created a Flickr Pro account for my family. They needed a place to post their digital photos and I found Flickr to be the user-friendliest. Will see if I made the right decision.


snow and flavors

This picture is gorgeous but quite misleading. Not much snow here in Romania, not even that cold. The world just turned crazy. I haven't done anything for three weeks and I feel great. I had the most amazing meals, and I was spoiled by my family by being left alone to do a lot of nothing. That's what I call true love.