Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Frisbee partay

Here's some pictures from the frisbee party taken with the new phone camera. Pretty bad quality in the low light environment, but at least I don't have to carry another brick with me.

Kristen is probably the only person who hates being photographed more than I do. The ceiling at the "Dark Horse" is adorned with carriages, sleds, road signs, stuffed buffaloes !??, and other crap that makes it very surreal (or should I say kitsch?).

Jason is not very happy with the bright light on my camera either.

Everybody danced hippie-style, that is throwing various limbs in the air at random intervals, regardless of the beat of the song played at the time.

New phone

So I finally gave in and bought a new phone with a real plan. My "pay as you go" didn't cut it anymore. I couldn't help getting a gadget, of course, since most of them are free after rebates anyway. I got the Sony Ericsson W810i. It comes with an iPod-like mp3 player and after a 4Gb flash card update it serves that purpose very well.

I've got the basic monthly Cingular plan, which I think is a little overpriced. In numbers that is:
  • 450 min / month
  • 5000 min nights (after 9pm) and weekends
  • free roaming, long distance, blah blah
  • free Cingular to Cingular
  • 10c a text message and 1c/Kb for internet browsing
    TOTAL = $39.99 / month plus fees and taxes