Saturday, February 12, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

I am shaken. I hurts to even start thinking about what to write in here.

I have just watched Hotel Rwanda. I cried. I knew about the massacre that took place between the Hutu's and the Tutsi's but being immersed in it, picture and sound for 2 hours, was very emotional. In less than 100 days 800,000 Tutsi and Hutu moderates were killed by the Hutu militia. Young and uneducated Hutus were manipulated in this fabricated ethnic conflict to kill their neighbours and friends using machetes and clubs in probably the most gruesome human slaughter. More than 10% of the population was killed. This genocide was carefully organized and instigated using the national public radio. The UN troops on the ground informed their superiors about what was going to happen. The UN Canadian general had the location of the machete chaches but his hands were tied. The only response from the western "civilization" was to call all whites and UN troops out and let the poor bastards die.

I felt a personal shame at the end of this movie. I am ashamed of being a part of this "civilization" that goes around the world, fucks things over and then closes it's eyes, turns away, like nothing happened. In this respect, US is one to be condoned because it many times accepted its responsability as world leader and helped more than anybody else. But Europe... oh... I have no words. A bunch of cowards that will never learn from history, and that's why I feel so ashamed.

I will be sorry for writing such a pessimistic post.

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