A lot happened since the last post and I won't even try to fit it all in here. I visited Colorado and that was amazing. The town, the chemistry department, the students, Dr. George, the mountains, everything was just amazing. The only problem is that the financial offer is the weakest of all schools. I am already tired of four years without having a car and always begging for money left and right and I was hoping to get a breath of fresh air with grad school. The life as a Ph.D. is not the best, but I was hoping to be able to gain some freedom. Despite all its amazing qualities, it looks like Boulder has steep housing expenses and affording anything but the bare minimum would not be possible.
Today I gave my presentation about the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem in my math senior seminar. I think I did OK, although I messed up the proofs and the guys in the class were not paying any attention to what I was doing passed the 20 minute mark. At least I got it over with.
Today we've written 2650 digits of PI on a huge roll of paper, as a tribute to PI day, 14th of march. Of course we ate PIes and almost got kicked out by some university administrators because we didn't organize the event according to their stupid policies. The few people that stopped by were truly amazed by our nerdiness.
Tomorrow I have the second Numerical Linear Algebra exam and I need to secure a solid A in there. I probably need to spend the entire night to put myself up to speed in manipulating matrices easily in my head and imagining each step in the LU factorization algorithm. Something that doesn't help is the fact that I caught the flu from another prospective student that was visiting Boulder. I am having some fever right now, cold sweat and no apethite for anything. I still have to finish the entire 10 page paper for the Math Seminar for Thursday and to finish my homework and program for N. Lin Alg before I leave for MIT. Not to mention that I need to START my senior thesis paper with the little data (and lack of) that I have. Woohoo! Somehow I'll get them done, I just know it.
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