Thursday, February 05, 2009

In Lubbock TX justice gets YOU!

Here's a very common story of a black man wrongly accused of raping a white woman. In this case the real perpetrator came out and confessed, but the Lubbock justice system did not want to own to its mistake.

"Then, in 1995, Johnson wrote a letter to the district court in Lubbock in which he confessed to raping Mallin. He got no reply. So he wrote another letter asking for an attorney so that he could legally confess. Again, he was ignored. Johnson eventually wrote to the former Lubbock district attorney who prosecuted the case, Jim Bob Darnell, and asked for his help. There was only silence in reply."
Who cares if an innocent man died in prison because of this? By the way, his only fault was to be black, which directly implied "brash, slick liar" in the words of the defense. Yet, here comes the best part, scumbag D.A. Jim Bob Darnell is now a judge. I hope no one will ever have to seek justice in Lubbock Texas.

Family Of Man Cleared By DNA Still Seeks Justice : NPR

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