Monday, April 19, 2004

On the list

Monday night, a lot of stuff to do, but writing this blog seems a legitimate way to kill some time.

The events in the past 2 days haven't been too tumultous. First, I got half of the Linear Algebra test done. Although it is probably the most work intensive test I have taken here in US, I am very upset at myself when I work on it. I just realize how much ability I have lost and how much numbness and discipline I have gained. I used to look at a math problem for a couple of minutes and understand all its guts, but now it takes forever to get the Ahaaa! On one of the problems that was asking for a proof, although it had instructions and had broken the big proof into steps I still took a couple of wrong paths in a very noobish way.

Beside the struggle with myself at working on that math test, I finally ordered the laptop. Here's what I am going to get, if anybody's interested. There were some glitches with my credit card but I solved them today. The laptop is going to ship tomorrow, so for the next few days I will be checking the shipping status every couple of hours. I know it's not going to get here until Friday or so, but is human nature to have high hopes. Mike admired my self-control on not ordering the Next Day Shipping - extra $30 - but he doesn't realize how poor I am.

Because the name of this blog requires some fuel I will digress for a couple of sentences. I finally realized that this lame online journal can be actually very useful. In a month I will be taking the GRE and in there I have to write two essays, BS essays to be specific. A full month of BS on this blog can only help, so I'd better stick to it and post regularly, massive stinky amounts of Bovine Secretions. Just like this paragraph.

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