Friday, March 25, 2005

A week later

It's been a very long week. It seems like I am not made for this blog thing. Whenever I am tired, frustrated or simply not in the mood of writing I just don't. Briefly, here's what happened since the last post:
  1. I visited Boston and the mighty MIT. I had a great time visiting with my good friends, Elena, Immanu and Prisu although due to my cold physically I felt horrible. Boston as a city didn't do it for me, maybe because it was cold and dirty and the people were sometimes not as friendly as I wanted. MIT as a school was also a little cold. I could feel some of the infamous MIT pressure, and the people in the chemistry department were deffinitely not vibrant. I didn't click with any of the faculty, but I could see myself working for Dr. Nocera. No matter how many disadvantages I might come up with, it's friggin MIT we're talking about here. The only thing I am sure is that my grad school decision got even tougher.
  2. Wednesday and Thursday I went on a fishing trip with my host family. It was some of the best I've had in a long time and all I can do is let the pictures talk.
  3. I am trying to get back on top of the ball, get my homework done and start writing for my thesis. Ugghh.

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